Why is a gold sun gold?

When you call your energy back at BPI we ask you to bring in a gold sun. Fill your self up. Many of my students have asked why is it gold? Here are my thoughts on the vibration of gold.

Gold the physical element has many uses, conductivity, can mold into any needed shape be it thin or thick and it almost always in nature is not mixed with other minerals.  Gold has been used for thousands of years around the whole world as a form of money.

There is a vibration of wealth that is associated with this color, mineral, and energy level.

It is not really a surprise that the metal gold is a good conductor for energy. When I think of the other metals that are good for conducting energy, silver, copper, platinum these are all energy vibrations that I have worked with before.  Silver and platinum to work a level of trance medium energy.  Silver is the best for conducting energy which is how I have always experienced it, a very fast vibration.  It goes so fast that the spirit can quickly exit the body.  I have always seen on a vibrational scale level that gold is a step or two below silver.  And that is true when it comes to the metals that are best for transferring energy.  

When it is used to show the halo of angels or of Jesus it is to signify a connection to God or that higher power.

The way it is used at BPI is a way for us all to match at a high vibration.  The natural connection to the higher power helps us to find that part of God within us.  At gold you find your higher self.

When you call back your energy in a gold sun you are calling it back from maybe a fight or an emotional time.  That emotional energy got stuck there or in that other person's space.  You don’t want to call back your energy at that vibration.  So you call it back to you and reset it at gold.  Reset it at your higher self.  Reset it at your connection with God.

The gold sun tool is great for bringing back your energy to yourself….I use mine many times a day.  Don’t forget to use yours!

